Multi-sport participation is beneficial physically and mentally. Playing many sports allows you to use different muscle groups, which helps you become more versatile, and can help with injury prevention. We believe it is healthy to mix it up and have kids focus on different activities, and playing multiple sports can help relieve pressure if volleyball is their "main" sport.

It is important to us that all athletes have the opportunity to participate in their school sports, even it it conflicts with the club volleyball season. We will work with all athletes to make sure they are supported in all in-season school sports they want to participate in. We feel it is very important for our athletes to experience all school sports seasons they want to participate in.

NPJ does not believe in forcing athletes to choose club volleyball over other sports, nor do we believe in pressuring athletes to quit other sports that conflict/overlap with the club season.

The NPJ philosophy for multi-sport athletes' hierarchy is: 

  1. Family
  2. School
  3. In-season school sport
  4. Club Volleyball